Hey Coach! I love Medium in that it lets me broadcast what I want. But since you're my coach I'm depending on you to tell me what I am doing wrong. So... what am I doing wrong?
I have 170 followers and my payments are small. What I would like from you from Medium, etc. is explanation of how I might increase the numbers that matter to me - that is, readers.
Am I not writing enough? Does my writing stink? Am I writing about the wrong topics?
I would LOVE It if Medium could be a partner in helping me reach even more people and show avenues I might take ... for example I know I can make more money if I write yet another pointless "I made $100 writing about marketing tips!"
But how can I maximize my impact and still write still that is unique?
Inisights, coach. That's what I want. Please help and congrats on being the new CEO!!!